Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The adventure begins...

Anita and I spent our last day in Ellicott City running errands - khaki pants for her, a ring and ear rings as well. Bit spenders @ WalMart! I wanted bright ribbon to mark our bags when we collect them at Johannesburg.

Jim arrived home to find me napping on our screen porch. I had watered the plans so he will have only one watering while I'm gone. Last time he followed me around to make notes - trying to gauge the seconds I poured water on each plant. Green thumb he is not.

Anita and I considered converging cast to traveler's check but after the 2nd bank suggested otherwise, we left our cash with Jim to be deposited in my account that I can reach at an ATM. Apparently traveler's checks are being counterfeited easily and are not being accepted at many locations. Cash cards are recommended.

Anita wanted one last manicure so we stopped for that while we were out. McDonalds provided chicken sandwiches to go with the leftover salad from last evening. Dishes were done by the time Jim got home.

Car packed and we were on our way to Dulles airport. We arrived around 4 pm - found a care for our luggage and learned that the Qatar counter would not be open until 7 pm. We spoke with Lewis who said that although an upgrade to 1st class would not be possible, he would try to make our seats as comfortable as possible. If we were 1st in line around 6.30, that would be good.

Dinner with Jim at Harry's Bar - pepper, tomato and crab soup with 1/2 tarragon chicken salad sanwich for me. Then people watching until the Qatar area was rearranged for passengers. Lewis was back and he arranged for the seats next to us to remain unfilled. Should make it easer to sleep on this almost 13 hour flight. We will leave DC at 10.50 pm and arrive at 6.30 pm tomorrow in Doha. Two meals are expected. I have chosen vegetarian for all my meals . Liz, in Cyprus, was worried that she would be unable to feed me correctly. I explained that I have found vegetarian meals to be quite tasty on airplanes, but that I still eat meat.

Our air plane is arriving - Anita will take a photo.

We need to fill our water bottles and purchase a book. I have some stitchery to work on. I hope I sleep because I am trying to catch a cold.

Jim promised to email Njale that we are on our way.

Packing today was interesting. We each took our suitcases ( to be checked through) and our carry-ons (no more than 15 pounds) to be weighed. I needed to remove 3 pounds from my carry-on and the checked bag was fine. I carried some of the 3 pounds with me and put them back in the case after getting through the airline counter. No one weighed our carry-ons! Why have weight requirements if no one checks them? Interesting that such a big deal was made of it on the airline website.

As we left the Qater counter we spoke with Chris who assured us that we would have a great plane and a wonderful crew. That's coming later.