Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Return home and post-cruise thoughts

I've been home from this cruise almost 2 months now, and am amazed, as I normally am, at how quickly life reestablishes itself after an adventure. My traveling companions have left my daily life and working on this blog has brought them back into my thoughts. I hope that their lives returned to normal quickly and easily, and I look forward to the next time I might share their time.

Thanks go to Arlene Dace and June Brittingham for being wonderful cruise directors for our group. I'd travel with them again, and hope it is sooner rather than later. Thanks to Dana and Audrey for the wonderful adventures we had in Rome. Margaret was a gracious and generous roommate, and I was reminded of the fun times we had in New Orleans. In fact, it is hard to not talk about all of the group - we were three tables of fun loving librarians, friends of librarians, and definitely people who liked people. Perhaps we will meet again with another MLA trip.

Our journey home was mostly uneventful - we made all our connections, enjoyed reasonable service in 'cramped coach', and I was met by my wonderful husband in Baltimore.

This trip was unusual for me in that Jim did not join me. He is still working and with our own vacation plans for August was unable to take off for a 16 day trip. We also plan to be in Kansas with his dad later this year. However, I believe we will duplicate this trip at some point and he will have the fun of seeing what I experienced. Antiquities and modern cities surrounding them, friendly people and and active series of days. (I clocked almost 90,000 steps on my pedometer which translates to almost 40 miles of walking. I came home from this cruise and the wonderful food choices almost 6 pounds lighter.)

The cruise met all my expectations and provided surprises along the way. I can't wait for my next adventure, and I promise to provide blog entries for you.

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